Friday, February 5, 2010

Every Drop Counts Mini Documentary | UR Chicago/ HYSTK

1 comment:

  1. Haiti is the future of America and inspired this poe/song. (Lyrics Inspired by the removal of middleclass). I look up and see the sky dropping. They appear as tattered, wounded angels falling. From Great Heights loosing, treasures of value vanish as, they fall to the gutters before us. I watch as gangs kill the homeless and hear the calls of the malevolent Unseen Wild..... Rabid Beast howl in the Dark Jungle Night smelling, tracking, hunting, animate the fresh kill crying, as their bodies lie upon the ground broken, open soft flesh torn and bleeding. The aroma driving wild, the Beast within the Man to killing. Frenzied feeding feast. Life, free for the killin. My America. My music can be found here and here
